Ardelle Holden


Ardelle Holden

Ardelle Holden

Crime Fiction, Thriller, Suspense, Mystery

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  • Member Since

    Mar 2019

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  • Born

    24 June

  • Profession

    Author, Artist, Photographer


Vancouver Island is home. I enjoy glorious sunsets over Quennell Lake and Mount Benson. It’s a perfect spot for writing.

My plastic plants and polyester pets have allowed my husband, Pat, and I to winter in Mexico since 2005. The views of Mount Garcia over Lake Chapala provide another quiet scene conducive to writing as well as other artistic pursuits.

In all this tranquillity, I’ll bet you are wondering where all the murder and mayhem comes from that finds its way onto the pages of my novels. It’s in those tranquil moments when one’s imagination is freed and my characters take control.

Ardelle Holden Books

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